Monday, April 14, 2008

An early night 04-14-08

Mary and I went into Monterey today, she had a checkup with her doctor and I needed a Starbucks fix. I had a power nap while she was in the doctor's office and then we drove down Alvarado where I had been going to Starbucks for several years. We drove down again and I couldn't find it, but I had just been there a year ago. So she parked and I walked around the block to discover that the entire building is gone - replaced by a wooden wall painted a neutral beige. Turns out the building burned sometime in the past year and was too badly damaged to be restored. So, we swung by Del Norte Center and I had my fix. It is a terribly expensive addiction and I have been trying to cut back. So, you see, not a very exciting day and still I am extra tired and am going to get to bed after I post this. Tomorrow I will do better.

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