Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gauntlets 04-15-08

A couple weeks ago I was eating in the Asilomar dining hall and when I stood up to lift a pitcher from the center of the table one of the women asked why I stood up. I told her I have arthritis and my hands are not strong enough to lift heavy things when I am sitting. She asked, "Do you have carpal tunnel?" I answered, "No, just arthritis." This started a discussion among the diners and they were almost unanimous that I should check with my doctor because it sounded like CT to them. So, when I saw my doctor a week ago Monday I explained about the pains and she gave me some tests (hold your hands this way, lift them up this way, etc.) and said my dining companions were right. I felt terrible that I had not explained my hand/wrist/arm pains better in the past. She prescribed wrist splints. So.....

.....here I am in my splints. It is amazing how much difference they made in just a few days. I wear them at night and no longer wake up with numb hands. And I wear them when I am driving and my hands don't hurt so much. I haven't figured out how to wear them when I am going to the bathroom or eating with a fork (a spoon is okay), but I've worked out everything else. I don't know how long I need to wear them, but I will see Dr. Debin in another few weeks and guess she will tell me what I need to do. The moral of this tale is that I should tell my doctor exactly how I hurt and not assume that I know what my problem is. And so should you!

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Christine Thresh said...

Your Asilomar dining companions were very smart. I a glad to learn that the splints have made a positive difference in your life.

June said...

I'm so glad to hear this, Del. It's heartening to know that it isn't all a down-hill slide after we turn 50. And also great that you persevered and got good answers!