Saturday, April 19, 2008

Windy day at Havasu Lake 04-19-08

Nothing unusual about wind in Havasu, most afternoons the breeze picks up and sometimes turns into a gale. Not too bad today, but lots of stuff in the air to make the pictures hazy.

That is "Muffin Mountain" in the background. Between the mountains and the houses in the foreground is Lake Havasu, created by damming the Colorado River.

This view is looking the other direction - WNW - and the mountains shown are in California. The Colorado forms part of the boundary between CA and AZ. As you can see the wind is whipping the palms.

This new mirror was hung today in the entryway. I have hung a quilt there in the past, but when there is no quilt the walls look very bare. The advantage of hanging quilts is that it mutes the echoes a bit. No drapes on the windows and the marble floor seem to amplify the sounds. When Corky's parents built the house they named it "Casa del Lago" and engraved it over the door.

He sleeps! Corky's favorite viewing point here is on the window seat in the guest room. Although he is sound asleep he can still pick up the noise of a dog walking down the street. Amazing how dogs do that.
And I have also been sleeping. The last few weeks have been so full that I am really tired - so two naps today and early to bed!

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