Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Special Little Garden 07-01-08

I always enjoy driving by this little streetside porch and garden which are located in a not great part of town. It seems so coordinated, but casual rather than formal. I love the blue umbrella especially. The palm looking plant in the lower left is sometimes called Sago palm or Sago fern, but it is actually neither. It is a Cycad, a very ancient species of plant with its own division - the Cycadophyta division of the Plantea family. In the center is the "blossom" or cone. As the plants grow larger they are coveted by landscapers and can be transplanted rather easily because the root ball is small. Several decades ago the Fullerton City Hall/Police Station had a wonderful bed full of Cycads that had grown quite large. One night someone dug them all up and took them away. I understand that nobody said anything for a few days, thinking there must be a reason the plants were removed. Nobody would steal plants from in front of the Police Station. Or would they? The crime was never solved.
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meggie said...

This made me laugh. Wrong reaction, I know, but who would be so bold??
We have a Cycad that I treasure. Perhistoric plants that fascinate.

Christine Thresh said...

When the police were out on patrol they should have kept their eyes open for the stolen plants.