Thursday, September 18, 2008

A rather dull day! 09-18-08

A stay-at-home day, Very overcast and almost cool in the morning, although It is still very warm - 92.5F today. we did go for our walk this afternoon in the big park. The high point of the day was when Carol Bednar came to the house to drop off some books. She was going to the market, so she bought me some eggs and returned to deliver them - she is a great friend. I had discovered that the eggs in the frig are almost two months old - a little long in the tooth for me.

Here is Corky keeping an eye on me, in case I do something I shouldn't.

I turned on the TV to see what the weather would be in Wyoming for the PParents/G'parents drive from Cheyenne to Evanston tomorrow. The channel was set on ABC and it was Oprah's hour. Corky didn't think much of it, so we switched to the Weather Channel - possible thunderstorms and showers in Wyoming.

Tomorrow we will drive to LBeach again to sort and slit the mail and take our walk among the flowers, boats and water in Corky's neighborhood. Only 2 1/2 days before Corky goes home. I will really miss him, he is great company.

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