Friday, November 21, 2008

"Four Dwellings" 11-20-08

I have always gone through streaks of 'do nothing' and streaks of 'knock myself out'. And I know others that also have this experience. I don't really understand what triggers either direction. When my Depression gets worse I can go either way - who knows why. For a few years Kansas Art Quilters did a challenge every year and also made quilts for the Fabri-Quilt Fabric Co. to decorate their booths at Markets. They required that all the fabrics were of their manufacture. I usually slipped in a few little solid pieces to balance things out. Since I don't live in Kansas I would look through the Fabri-Quilt website and chose a few fabrics to create the beginning of a palette. Then the wonderful exhibit chair, Linda Frost, who received all the fabric that Fabri-Quilt donated to us would find some of those I picked, and a few to coordinate and ship them to me. Sometimes it was agony deciding on a design and executing it and other times things just fell together, like this quilt.

"Four Dwellings" 2005 Del Thomas 25" square SOLD

As I worked on assembling the pieces I realized I could use the multi-color polka dots to make people heads - so there are also four people in the quilt. To me this quilt is a combination of abstract and realism.

Here is the back - the main fabric is a very old Fabri-Quilt piece that I had in my 'Fabric Library'. Originally I used it in a baby quilt, but there was a large enough piece left to make this backing - as long as I pieced some strips into it. I like interesting backs, but under the pressure of time I sometimes slap any old thing on the back of a quilt, quilt it, bind it, and don't worry about it.
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1 comment:

meggie said...

It is lovely Del, no wonder it sold.