Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Birds of Desert and Water 12-10-08

Here is that saucy Roadrunner who visits the house in Lake Havasu City. I keep meaning to ask the neighbors if he is always around or I just luck out during Thanksgiving visits. I'm fascinated by his fuzzy little beard. By-the-way, they do run very fast, but probably not as fast as the cartoon one.

This Great Blue Heron was hanging out on the shore of Los Alamitos Bay just as the sun was going down. I see them in the area a lot during the winter. In England and in Australia there is a Great Grey Heron that is very similar.

You can see the heron in the lower left corner of this sunset view of the Bay. I was amazed when the blimp came into view as I was getting ready to click the picture. I image they are getting ready for the Rose Bowl Game.
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meggie said...

In NZ there was a Grey Heron that established a home with it's mate in a small pocket of untouched land.
That small pocket of parkland, became the site of a roundabout in a busy road redevelopment. The Grey Heron was determined not to be disposessed, & it, along with mate, established their nest, in the middle of the newly formed, landscaped, roundabout!
How I wish I had had a digital camera in those days.

I love these pics.

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

Gorgeous nature photos! The blimp lends a touch of the unexpected in that beautiful shoreline picture.

One of my goals when visiting Austin a few years ago was to spot a roadrunner. Finally one ran across the road in front of me on the way to the airport. :)