Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coffee w/Liz 12-06-08

Corky and I had coffee with Liz this morning. It was a little cool, so we chose a table in the sun and soon we were almost too hot. The sky was so clear and blue - a gorgeous morning.

The Starbucks where we usually meet is on the corner of a shopping area and shares the 'patio' with a Corner Bakery and several small food places. There are always people dining and visiting (but NOT loitering) and at least a dog or two behaving themselves. Various types of palms and trees give shade and house a large flock of house sparrows (AKA: the birds that eat at McDonalds)
and a few children who take at least one trip to look into the fountain. This little girl's mommy is casting a shadow and keeping a keen eye for her safety. The bright wall is on the Corner Bakery - handy if Starbucks isn't offering any munchies of interest. The only downside to this location is the heavy traffic on Imperial Hwy on the south and Brea Blvd on the east - sometimes too loud for quiet conversation. However, most Starbucks are located on busy roads - don't think they will close this one. We hope not because it is handsdown our favorite and convenient to both of us.
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