Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cauliflower color! 03-11-09

Pat Spillane answered the question about what happens to the color in the purple cauliflower when it is cooked:
Couldn't resist answering your curiosity question: does the purple retain it's color?No - actually - it bleeds into a dark "blue", which is not particularly attractive in food. So, after one serving of cooked purple cauliflower, the rest of the delicious veggie was eaten raw. It's mild and delightful that way. You learn something all the while, don't you???
Thanks Pat. I found that purple potatoes do the same thing and are not very appetizing on the plate! Wouldn't the purple cauliflower look wonderful on a plate with celery, carrots, jicama and other veggies with a veggie dip!


meggie said...

Love raw vegetables with dip. My son used to prefer many of his veggies raw. I think as we age they become harder to digest.
I do love raw grated Beetroot!

Louise in SW Saskatchewan said...

in Nova Scotia "blue" potatoes are preferred to eat with fish. They don't change colour when cooked, they are mostly white (sometimes with little blue lines).