Thursday, March 12, 2009

More photography day 03-11-09

More photos from Saturday when I took a lone trip around the area just to take pictures. (You can click on all the pictures to enlarge.) It was a gorgeous day.... you can tell that this was taken on another day when it rained. The very similar view I did on Saturday was out of focus. I always notice animals or livestock when I am on the road. I suppose that living in suburb of Los Angeles makes me more alert to something besides people, dogs and cats. In the area around SJB there are sheep, goats, horses, cows, cattle, lots of different birds, and on and on! In the picture above the shepherd's trailer is located at the top of the fence on the left.

This is California's gold in the spring. It is unlikely that the story of the friars scattering the seed along their route to found the missions is true. More likely the seed was borne by both animals and people when the Spanish colonized the Southwest. Now the gold is everywhere the soil has been disturbed. This field is between Hwy 1 and an access road.

Further along Hwy 1, beyond the artichokes and the new strawberry fields are the sand dunes extending down to Monterey. Where the dunes are high hang gliders enjoy the winds and the thermals. I tried for pictures, but they were too distant for my camera. Seeing them makes me want to give it a try. Maybe on my 75th birthday?

I made a final stop at Back Porch Fabric Shop. This view is of the classroom/gallery. The current exhibit shows quilts made by the employees and the owner, Gail Abeloe. It is a very nice display and shows that any of the ladies at the counter can help with quilting problems and decisions on fabrics. Even on gloomy days it always seems bright and cheery inside the shop.

A last trip around the Bay to Asilomar Beach. I stopped half a dozen times to look and relax and photograph. It is a sort of meditation to look at the waves on the rocks and the birds drifting against the blue water and sky.

More animals! There are three sea lions on the rock "islands" in this picture. One on the left rock and two on the right rock. At first glance they look like logs washed up and dried in the sun.

I have never observed Canadian geese doing their nesting on a rock pile in the ocean or, in this case, a bay. The male is on the left preening his feathers and the female has come out from behind the shrubs to see what he is up to. He strenuously objected to a gull sitting about where he stands. But later he flew down to the ground cover that was right beside where I was standing and proceeded to peck and search for something to eat. I was a little leery because geese bites can really hurt, but he didn't object to my presence. I suppose that comes from living in a tourist area!

Tomorrow photos taken on the way home with almond trees abloom on every side - lovely fragrance, beautiful blossoms.

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1 comment:

Loret said...

Your commentary of your little jaunts stimilates the imagination and provides new quilting ideas! Thank you. Spring's colors are so vibrant, they clear away winter's grey. I look forward to your next little jaunt. Loretta