Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Green 03-04-09

Yesterday (Tuesday) Mary and I drove to Gilroy, the next town up Hwy 101, to shop at the outlet mall. I was the shopper (for trousers and shoes)and Mary along to keep me company. The rain had been periodic, we didn't even need umbrellas. Going south on Hwy 101 the fields were bright green...
...with wild mustard in flower scattered about.

Later in the day I drove to Asilomar in the rain and shot this view while driving on Hwy 1, looking to the east over the mustard along the road and the newly planted strawberry field to the misty covering of the hills beyond.
This image is looking west to the ocean with a band of trees at the far side of a field of artichoke plants. Close by is the "Artichoke Capital of the World" - Castroville (NOT Watsonville - sorry).
I have more landscape pictures that I will edit a bit more and then post in an online album. I'll post the URL tomorrow.
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dee said...

I'd dearly love to see those artichokes up close. They're such a beautiful veg. It must be cool to see a whole field of them. Isn't Gliroy the garlic capital?

Sheri said...

OH My gosh it's so green there!

Christine Thresh said...

Good heavens. Don't take photos while driving Hwy 1. That's dangerous.

Patty ♣ said...

Christine's comment made me giggle!
Be safe and keep on having fun Del!!!
I'm loving the tagging along!

June said...

Gilroy is the garlic capital of the world, if I'm remembering rightly.

Being in the Mojave desert (a subsection of it called the Amargosa) I admit to having a tad of homesickeness for green. But the golds and reds almost make up for it. And the sun definitely does.

But do take pity, Del, and stop showing those photos of deserts. The town I'm in has one good place to get brownies and chocolate cake, but no strawberries and cream -- or pie and lemon curd. it's almost worth a trip to, to, to -- well, almost worth going somewhere, but the nearest where is 110 miles one way, so I guess dessert will have to wait until we get back to Portland