Friday, March 20, 2009

Tomorrow - Camp Del 03-19-09

Yes, the Poodle Prince will be here for five nights starting tomorrow. I'll pick him up about noon and return him on Wednesday morning. Actually, I'll take him to the groomer on Wednesday and then take him to his house and his parents should be back by then. I need to vacuum a bit in the morning because the dust bothers him - it bothers me too, but my nose is further from the floor! And I need to take a few roses from my yard to the lady in the cul de sac who is in the final stages of cancer. Sweet lady, but we have never been able to get close because she smokes and one of my many 'sensitivities' is smoke. I'll take them a meat loaf dinner on Saturday - many family members will be there and I doubt that they will be much in the mood to cook.


Christine Thresh said...

I gave you a "Sisterhood Award" on my blog today.

June said...

You are a good friend, Del, and also a proud parent --snort--

Your flower from yesterday made me homesick for Portland. Only another couple of weeks before we are back in the cold rain. It might even feel good.

meggie said...

You are a kind friend. I find smoking to be an aggravation now, too, yet I was once a smoker.
Enjoy Corky.