Friday, April 10, 2009

More coming home 04-09-09

After we left Tulare Liz and I were so tired and sleepy we had to pull off the road and have a nap under some trees in a parking lot. We left the A/C on and had the doors locked, so we went off to dreamland for almost an hour! I rarely ever get sleepy when I am driving and when I recognize I am a danger to myself and others I 'do the right thing'. Boy, does that sound pompous! But you get it, right? I never got out my camera until we were heading up the grapevine and it was quite late in the day.

So the wildflowers were rather dimmed. A much better, brighter image is at:

If you click on the photos to enlarge them you will see more detail. In this one there is a bright pink orchard at bottom center. The altitude here is about 4500 feet so it is still early spring. The orchards along I-5 have long ago lost all their blooms.

As we got further along the clouds moved in and it looked like it might rain - it didn't. Far off we could see one hill glowing in sunlight, but clouds were moving quickly to cover it.

We stopped for gas at an Arco station I discovered on my last trip - off of Hwy 210 at Roxford. We decided to explore the access road going west and finally ended up in a business area where I saw this building. It looks like something left over from the 1940s!
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Terry Grant said...

I have road trip photos on my blog today too. Do you take pictures while you're driving? I tried that and found it a little hazardous!

Thanks for the beautiful birthday e-card. I love those Jackie Lawson creations!

Rayna said...

Oooh - I love these off-the-beaten-path wonders! Did you ever read Blue Highways, by William Least Heat Moon? One of my favorite books, ever.

My new car beeps after two hours to remind me to stop and take a rest, but I never make it that long - LOL.
The last time I pulled off the road to nap was in 1963 on the Autobahn. You are brave.