Friday, April 10, 2009

Coming Home 04-09-09

These four pictures were taken while Liz and I were driving home from Tulare, CA., today. There are not as many wildflowers as we expected, but the hillsides going over the Ridge Route do look as those thin layers of paint have been laid over the green. I have to say I am so tired I keep falling asleep while I am trying to compute. So, enjoy these views and tomorrow (Friday) I will try to tell you something about our trip and the lovely ladies at the Valley Oak Quilt Guild.

Through the narrowest section of the Grapevine.
Gorman at the top of the hill - I-5.
Paintbox colors
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1 comment:

meggie said...

Wow! The rolling hills look so much like NZ. We dont have the wildflowers, but the swards of grass look the same.
Love reading you commentaries.