Friday, May 8, 2009

Flower Fields @ Carlsbad 05-08-09

[Sorry, the top two pictures will not enlarge - don't know the cause.]
After stopping yesterday for lunch at Sammy's I continued north to stop at the Flower Fields at Carlsbad. The exit off the I-5 is Palomar Airport Road, which I am very familiar with since that is also the exit for the outlet mall (including Crate & Barrel where they sell Marimekko fabric). I had a quick glimpse of the fields on the way south so I knew there were blossoms. But it is getting to the end of the season, go now if you want to see the display.In the foreground is Armstrong Nursery which apparently has no connection to the Flower Fields. The Jacaranda trees in the foreground are showing tiny leaves, but the flowers will come on before the leaves are full out.

The buildings beyond the fields are a conference center - the flowers bloom right up to the property line.

Rides are available on these stake bed trailers, towed by REAL tractors, and go all around and through the fields. I loved the colorful clothing on the Indian lady in the foreground - she almost outshines the flowers.

I took this image from quite a distance so it is not very clear. I had hoped to get behind it so I could include the walker that was tied onto the back of the trailer. Anyone can go, despite disabilities.

If you drive through the parking lot and follow the "Additional Parking" signs you will see this huge flower flag. I don't know what they used for the blue - no Ranunculus that color. See the pickup truck on the right? That fellow finally drove down to the fence and hollered at me, "Is anything wrong?" "No, I'm just taking pictures." And he drove back up the hill. I wonder what he thought I was doing walking around the in the dirt parking area.

School groups come in buses and have this special gate - best to keep them corralled, eh?

When they pass through the gate, this is their view of the fields.

Here is the URL for the Flower Fields:

You might also enjoy this flower display in Brussels:,features,brussels-in-bloom

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1 comment:

meggie said...

How beautiful those flowers are! I would love to visit that garden, it is beautiful.