Friday, July 24, 2009

F5ber art p6stcard 07-23-09

Th5s new F415ts4 c60p4ter 5s a p5ece 6f 14n2!
I set this post up for 07-23-09, but that is when my computer problem started so it was never posted. I now know that the computer problem was its operator! I had accidentally put the keyboard in "NumLk" which converts certain letters to numbers so the "operator" can use them like a calculator. Who knew? Not I! The computer tech said "You are going to be embarrassed." And I was!

A few years ago when I was making Fiber Postcards for Virginia Spiegel's project to raise money in support of cancer research. This is one that I donated. It is very fun to experiment with different techniques, but I do find that these 6" X 4" creations are very time consuming. I rather like the way this came out. The letters are cut freehand - one of my obscure talents.

Here is a detail, but the color in the full picture above is the true color.
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Christine Thresh said...

Your freehand letters are very good. I can't do that! I guess it is a special talent.
I do love the bright card.

Meggie said...

I love the bright card too!