Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today was too long. 07-25-09

Corky woke me up at 4:30 wanting to go out - all he did was come to the guest room d00r and make a little squeak and I was awake. Just like a mommy! I always wondered how mothers learned to do that, but once I started caring for the PPrince I could do it also. Amazing. His mommy took him to All Care Vet Hospital in Fountain Valley at 9am for an MRI, but instead they examined him and took X-rays. I went to the QFestival at 9 to work my 9:30 - 11:30 shift which required me to spend that time at the SAQA table passing out info and answering questions and explaining about the Foot Square Auction. When I left I stopped to look at a few quilts, but I was very tired (before I every arrived in the morning), my back was killing me (who knows why) and I was concerned about Corky. So, I came back to his house. He and Sherry were home and gearing up to go back to the hospital at 2pm for a electrocardiogram. Several doctors examined him and he does have a small problem with his heart which they don't think will interfer with his having an MRI tomorrow morning at 5am!! After the MRI they will know more about what to do, but surgery is up in the air for the time being. It turns out that it isn't his arthritic hip that is doing all of this, but a problem with his lower back. He is taking pain meds and the doctor gave him a pain shot when we left the hospital at 5:30pm. We picked up pizza and salad at California Pizza Kitchen and ate it at home. Corky is not in as much pain so we are having a hard time keeping him from going up/down stairs and not walking around much. When the pain med wears off he cannot walk. The three "caretakers" are all exhausted and this one is going to bed as soon as I can get my clothes off. I am not even going to shower - oh, gross! I'm hoping to get up before Corky leaves for the hospital, but I'm not making any promises. I am simply exhausted and on my last wit. Soon I will just be witless 8>))) I do hope to get to the Festival tomorrow.

1 comment:

Christine Thresh said...

How are they going to hold a dog down for a MRI?
I had one yesterday and I had to lie still for a long, long time.
Best wishes for Corky.