Friday, August 28, 2009

Another artist's "way" 08-28-09

I have survived the production of another newsletter for Surfside Quilters Guild (SQG) and it is posted online. You can check it out at More photos taken at the meeting can be found at http://tinyurl/kngpcb
I have some wonderful pictures taken by Carol Whiteside, but my eyes are too weary to do the editing - I've been doing a few at a time.
Now that Terry Grant has taught me to put videos on my blog I will enlessly beseige you with them! This one is fascinating and over 8 minutes long, but I have a funny one waiting in the wings for next week.
How do we discover where our talent lies unless we try many different things? Surely nobody arises one morning and says I'm going to learn to paint with sand on glass. How would she discover this tool-less talent?


Susan Turney said...

I just found your blog and then your guild newsletter. Holy Samoly!!!! What an informative newsletter! I can't imagine that you had time to do anything else! I hope your lucky members realize what a huge production that is and how lucky they are.
I've subscribed to your blog in my Google reader so look forward to taking time to wander around.

dee said...

How fabulous that Terry was able to help you with this.
What an amazing video. Thanks Del.

June said...

OK, I'm stunned and impressed. And this was your second newsletter???? You are one stubborn woman -- but you knew that anyway.

Congrats -- it's a fine piece of work -- and I do mean Work.

Christine Thresh said...

Your newsletter is so good. I bet the people in your guild don't have any idea how much work you do to produce such a professional piece.
Did you do graphic production work in your past life?

Meggie said...

I too, am so impressed with your newsletter! What a lot of work is involved. No wonder you are not getting much done in the sewing line lately.
You are a talented lady!