Sunday, August 16, 2009

Looking back - Seattle Public Library '04 08-15-09

Five years ago on this date I was in Seattle and had a few days to wander after the Association of Pacific Northwest Quilters big Quilt Show at the Seattle Center. I had just read an article in a magazine about the new library and had to take a look. I didn't go inside because I couldn't find a place to park! Later, after hours, I went back and walked around - looking up and down and around and taking pictures. It is an amazing building and I think about it often.
How delicate these tiny wispy grasses and flowers against the glass and steel of the building.

I don't know if this is the main entrance, but it has this lovely fountain that makes me think of ship anchors. The man on the right is dropping books in the after hours drop-box.

Looking up made me a little dizzy, so I stopped doing that!

And the building is massive like an aircraft carrier or a huge cruise ship.

One side has this 'arcade' of diamond cutouts - looks like a chapel.

I waited around for these kids to go away, but they weren't going to go. They wanted to know what I was doing taking pictures of their library and I told them how beautiful it was. They didn't seem to have the concept of a "beautiful" building. They do add a sense of size, eh?

They wanted me to take their picture, who knows why? So, I did and it is a charming image. I look at them and think, "They are five years older today." I hope they are still having a good time, wherever they might be.
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dee said...

Even the picture made me dizzy. What a fantastic building though.
Thanks for the nice comments you sent my way. Much appreciated.

June said...

I love that library, inside and out. I was skeptical at first, and there was a big brouhaha in Seattle until it was built. Now it's one of the prizes of the city. There's a grand walkway that goes through the center of the building -- often with openings where you can look down at people in the lobby or common rooms below. Beautiful light and lots of room for books and computers!