Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Bright Star" 10-06-09

The last time I went to see a movie was almost ten years ago when I saw Tom Hanks in "Castaways"! Since then it seems there are not that many movies that attract my attention, nor has it seemed convenient to go. Recently friends have been commenting about "Bright Star" and I was tempted to see it. Fortunately my friend Carol had the same idea and we went together this afternoon. It is not a movie with a lot of suspense, most everyone knows that Keats died at the early age of 25, but the landscape and the costumes are fantastic and offer much to look at. I know none of the actors, however the acting seemed good and they managed to keep my attention. I didn't figure out if it was an English or an Australian film, none of the scenery looked like Australia, it was definitely England. A few scenes took my breath away: a shot of a huge spreading tree with snow on the branches and another with the three main characters trailing each other across a meadow. Both views worth seeing on the enormous screen - along with some others almost as impressive. I don't know if this will put me in a movie going mode, the only preview that looked interesting was "Alice in Wonderland" with Johnny Depp as the white rabbit. Comes out in March, I believe, when it might be time to go out to a movie again.
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June said...

hmmmm, maybe we ought to take up movie-going again.

Meggie said...

We watch quite a few movies on DVD, courtesy of a friend, who is movie mad. I can't say I have watched one recently, that I would recommend!
I am not sure if that is the movies' fault - or mine.