Thursday, October 22, 2009

PIQF #7 Aileyn Renli Ecob 09-21-09

Aileyn is an award winning quilter and this quilt won the best hand workmanship in the wall quilt category.

Her applique is so perfect one wonders how she does it - very carefully, I suppose.

The goldfinches are posed just as live goldfinches perch on plants to feed on bugs and seeds.

If you click on this to enlarge you will be able to read the poem that inspired the quilt.

This is another Aileyn quilt, every bit as wonderful as the thistle, but no ribbons are given by the Northern California group.

The colors are not true, I'm afraid. The blue-violet has more of a grey cast.

Again, if you click on the pictures you will be unable to see the applique stitches.

Pretty much the same detail area, but I wanted to be sure I had a good image! After the show is over there is no chance of going back to retake pictures.

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dee said...

Thanks so much for these pictures Del. The goldfinches are fabulous. I miss them in winter here. They have such a distinct personality. I adore watching them fight each other in mid-air for a spot on the feeders. Pardon the language but we call them our "bitchy little friends" since they seem to be always in a frenzy at each other.
Hope all is well with you.

Deborah said...

wonderful pictures and great details

Suzanne Kistler said...

ohmygoodness!! I didn't realize that Aileen of the manzanita quilt was the same Aileen who made the goldfinch quilt!! I wish I'd said something to her at the show!

Her sister made the Hong Kong Taxi quilt that hung with the BOS quilt! Both of them were in the Cynthia Corbin class I took back in March...

Thank you for posting the pictures! My "small world" experiences keep proving that the globe is a tiny place!!! :)

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

Thanks for all the great pictures of the PIQF- I have really enjoyed them!

Meggie said...

Thankyou again, for taking the time to photograph, & share these wonderful quilts with those of us who have no way of seeing them in real life.

Norma Schlager said...

Thanks fro sharing. Great pictures!