Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Will it RAIN? 10-13-09

Clouds gathering in Southern California look as though there might be rain.

The wind whipped the trees and high velocity gusts are predicted.

Great baggy grey clouds with just a spot of sunlight shining through.
I drove to San Clemente this morning for Surfside Quilt Guild meeting and the rain really came down for awhile sometime between 10am and noon, but that was all the rain I saw today. A few little spritz on the windshield on the way home around 2pm.
I do feel sorry for the families in the burn areas, they are piling sandbags and lining up K barriers in the hope of diverting the mud and water flows from their homes. These words which appeared recently in Wordsmith's A-Word-A-Day could certainly apply this week!
Pluviophobia/Ombrophobia - Fear of rain or being rained on.
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1 comment:

jpsam said...

We northern Californians were deluged! I emptied out my rain gauge because it was full: 5 inches in about 24 hours. The sun is trying to poke through now. Because we had received no precipitation since last spring, we had no "flooding" except for minor drain clogging.
joan, your SF Bay Area reporter