Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Day 12-24-09

I woke up this morning feeling GREAT, which almost made me believe in miracles - but I know my improvement was the wisdom of Dr. Debin, the medications and my self knowledge that "rest in bed, drink lots of liquids" is (for me) one of the most effective methods of healing. I felt so much improved that I dressed and went out to TJoe's for a roasting hen to cook for dinner tomorrow. Since I was out there I made a stop at Corner Bakery (sold out of cinnamon muffins) for breakfast to go with my Starbucks latte.

I lingered, along with this unknown lady at a different table. Definitely short sleeve weather with an intense blue sky behind the jacaranda tree and the palms. Lots of bird song and some of the cutest little doggies I've seen in one place! I didn't linger because I knew I would run out of steam quickly - that can happen after almost three weeks mostly in bed.

My catty-corner neighbor has slowly, but steadily, been improving his yard and now has these brilliant blossoms in the front corner flower bed to brighten our Christmas season.

Hot pink and bright orange - a traditional Mexican color combo.

Christmas in SCalifornia.

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Christine Thresh said...

Merry Christmas. Enjoy your Southern California sunshine.

June said...

Wow! Such flowers on Christmas. And such joy to have that horrible cold lifting. I bet the world felt entirely new to you.


Corky said...

Glad you're feeling better. Merry Christmas my friend.

Rayna said...

Unbelievable color for December! Glad you are feeling better. Merry Crispness.