Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting better + pied billed grebes 12-21-09

One thing to do when one is not supposed to actually DO anything, is look at birds - if one is lucky enough to have them come around. Today was dreary and cool at Marine Stadium so photography was iffy. Here is a pair of pie-billed grebes from a year ago October. Lots of grebes around the last few days including quite a number of Western Grebes. I thought I would post a picture of a quilt I did sometime ago, showing a Western Grebe , but I can't find it in Picasa - must have been before the advent of digital in my life. And, of course, no flash on my camera right now, so I have to photography in the daytime. I'll get back in the groove soon. .
I did come home late this afternoon. Took almost more energy than I had to get all my stuff out of the Lexus. A serious nap was required. And now I need a good night's sleep.
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

A serious nap and a good night's sleep (along with chicken soup and laughter) are the best medicine. Hope you get enough of all!