Friday, February 19, 2010

North again on I-5 02-19-10

This is a quick trip up to visit Mary and attend the opening of the Joan Schulze forty year retrospective at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles on Sunday. Light traffic today, even though it is Friday, and no rain so far.
It was quite a glorious drive because the almonds are blooming and the number of almond orchards along the highway is amazing. To the left of center in this picture are a few bee hives, but there were literally fields of bee hives a little further up the road. I couldn't get a picture - maybe on the way home.
I enjoyed seeing all the different size, shapes and colors of clouds - this picture is taken due north so the sun is shining on the left sides of the clouds. I was just passing Lost Hills, mostly just services for the vehicles traveling I-5, where CA Hwy 46 crosses - 46 is sometimes referred to as the James Dean Hwy because it was along that road that he had his fatal auto accident in the mid-1950s

Don't know how well this will enlarge as I cropped it from a much wider view.

Doesn't look like much - green stuff and sky. But see that faintly pink layer just below the horizon? Almond orchards in bloom. Everywhere I looked, more almond trees. Not much in the way of wildflowers yet - a few patches of wild radish and what I think were Goldfields. Maybe next week when I drive up again there will be color on the hillsides and along the highway verge. I know most people think I am a little wacko because I love the drive from Grapevine to Santa Nella on I-5 - there is always something interesting to see.
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1 comment:

June said...

good heavens! I clicked on the photo because you said they were almond orchards, although I scarcely believed you (although you usually tell to the truth, seems to me). And there they were -- almond orchards creating a pink line that no painter would dare to touch.

Thanks for the travelogue.