Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ruth McDowell class 2nd day Asilomar 03-09-10

One of the students brought a picture of a lovely white tinged with pink rose as her design inspiration. Ruth demonstrated the straight seam piecing method - as you see, she sticks her tongue out when concentrating, just the way many of us do.

And then she redid the design using the curved seam piecing. I believe the student decided to do the curved seams.

I usually take Ruth out to dinner one night and tonight was the night. We went to the Red House, a favorite restaurant on Lighthouse Avenue in Pacific Grove. Lovely lamb for me and delicious roasted chicken for Ruth. They did not have any olallieberry pie this evening. Ruth declined dessert, but I had a yearning and when we arrived back on campus I went down to the dining hall where dinner was in progress. The desserts are now served buffet style as this picture shows - tables loaded with hot servers containing apple 'something' (Betty, maybe?), plates and two humongous bowls of whipped cream.

I was awe stricken at so much whipped cream in one bowl. I'll bet they had a lot to throw out. But I did my share to not waste it.

At the request of Diana McClun, who is one of the triumvirate that runs Empty Spools, I showed the Ruth McDowell quilts I have with me as part of "Show,Share & Tell" at the evening program. It was fortunate because the PowerPoint program Ruth had prepared on her Mac would not play on the Microsoft projector (or whatever it is called). So, she had only a few small hen quilts to show, plus her wonderful new horse quilt and the pair of little oxen.

Tom Atkins, who does beaded quilts, and Elly Sienkiewicz, who does Baltimore Album hand applique, were the other two teachers who spoke at tonight's program.

By now it is 10:30pm and I need to walk back to my room - fortunately it is not raining this evening, but the cold wind is still blowing.

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dee said...

what a wonderful evening Del.
I'd have a lot of trouble passing up that whipped cream and whatever. Must be the German in me.

How wonderful to see Ruth translate a picture into a pattern like that. I like the straight seem version best.

June said...

I'm so proud of you, not wasting that whipped cream. I almost had to fall into the computer to get at it.

Glad you are having a good time and living on the first floor.