Friday, April 2, 2010

Corky Terror 04-02-10

I've spent the evening with Corky at his house whilst his parents go to a musical play - they will be home about 11:45pm. He is such a dear little guy and I do love being with him. However, he still has one puppy habit that we have given up trying to break - he seems to enjoy it so much and can really get going in his enthusiasm. Picking up one shredded paper towel isn't too much work! He prefers to do it when I am not looking, although I can certain hear the tearing and tossing from almost any downstairs room. He is doing very well with his meds and his acupuncture, but still can't run up and down stairs. .
I've picked all of this up before his parents come home!
I haven't blogged for a few days because I'm still suffering with the cold and hoping it doesn't turn in to bronchitis. Dr. Debin gave me a prescription for antibiotics and also some pills to 'boost my immune system'. We hope. I was ready to post last night but when I went into Picasa it pulled up a blank page and said, "No Pictures". After I gasped and got dizzy I decided I felt too lousy to deal with it and turned off the computer. This morning I thought I might be able to face it, but everything is working just fine and all my picture files seem to be intact.
I'm still needing to rest a lot and had a nap after the Poodle Parents left this afternoon. Guess I will be spending a lot of time resting still - at least through the weekend. I hope I can be alert enough to prepare the papers for my taxes - time is wasting. I have not even looked at anything I did at Asilomar.
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