Sunday, March 28, 2010

A new quilt in the TCQC - Susan Else 03-28-10

I know, I keep saying I'm not going to keep buying quilts, but I deceive myself and you! While I was at Empty Spools there was an exhibit of Susan Else's work at Back Porch Fabric shop in Pacific Grove. I first saw her pieces at the Pajaro Valley Quilt Shows, I don't know how many years ago - 15, maybe. They are fascinating and I covet many of them. However, they are three dimensional and would require storage in a crate or carton and I just don't have the room. So, I was really excited when I saw this great 'quilt' hanging at BPorch. I thought it would fit in the large acid-free box that I have for several quilts that cannot be rolled for storage. And it does. But, is it REALLY a quilt? It has some characteristics that would qualify it, but what about those that don't fit that category - stiffness, holes between the poles, just the fact that it cannot be folded or rolled. I don't know the answer and don't really care. I love this work of art and it is now a part of the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.
"Coyote Fence" Susan Else 2001 26"W x 24"L
Cotton, velvet and unknown fabric. Machine quilted (base).
A few years ago my neighbor and I had a tall wrought iron fence put up across the back of our yards and up one side of my slope and also the other side of his slope. For a few months we still found hair on the fence, but I have not seen a coyote, or its hair, in my backyard for several years. However, I will not let Corky stay outside in the fenced yard unless I am also out there. The coyotes can get over just about any fence, no matter how tall. There is a product now called "coyote rollers" that one places along the top rails of fences - the coyotes jump for the top of the fence to crawl their way over, but the rollers keep them from getting a grip and they fall backward to the ground. If I ever see another of the critters in my yard I may try some rollers.
But, back to Susan. She has created many unusual and fascinating pieces, including a fabric skeleton which was part of Quilt National 2009. I especially like her "Dreaming of Rivers" with wonderful reverse and regular applique all over the body of the 'dreamer'. But it is about 4 feet long X 3 feet deep X 2 feet high. Not something I could handle. Do go to her website to see some of her work - she has invented many original techniques to construct her 3-D pieces.
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Vivika said...

Del, this is a fascinating piece. It works well on so many levels - you have a gift for putting together this very interesting collection.

Gerrie said...

Great piece. I am used to her work being so colorful. I like this. I just got to meet her at the SAQA/SDA conference last week.

Loret said...

I too enjoyed viewing Susan Else's work at Back Porch while at Asilomar. Her work is just wonderful. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Oh! I don't think I could have resisted it either! Great Find and thank you for sharing. I'm leaving now to look online for more of her things. :)

Christine Thresh said...

That's a pretty great thing. I'm glad you snatched it up.

Rayna said...

How could you resist? I remember her QN piece -- the 3D stuff is so much fun! Enjoy it.