Sunday, April 25, 2010

Quilt by Jan Hirth 04-24-10

I admire the work of Jan Hirth, a member of Surfside QGuild and Beach Cities QGuild and recent retired adult ed quilting teacher. I know that her students miss her, but I think she might have more time now to choose projects she might not have had time for previously. She showed this recent quilt at the April SQG meeting. What great colors, what precise stitching.
"Tree O' Life" made by Jan Hirth from a pattern by the Piece O' Cake ladies. Hand appliqued and machine quilted. Made for Emily Stegman, Jan's 27 year old niece. Jan has added Emily's gold kitty, Twix, using a pattern from Nancy Ota. It's hanging from a limb of the tree.
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