Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dogs and Cats 05-22-10

Most of you know that I greatly enjoy the pictures of dogs and cats and other animals that circulate online. I call this sort of thing "E-lint" - it is like dust bunnies and pocket lint, you either ignore it or deal with it. And I send the interesting things on to my "E-lint List". This time I am posting two animal pictures here because they both made me laugh out loud!
Do you suppose this little guy could smell something his doggie friend had for dinner? Or is he tempting doggie friend to have him for dinner? Looks like someone has been tasting the kittens tail, doesn't it?

And I think I can't find Corky sometimes! Wonder which came first - does the dog match the carpet or did they match the carpet to the dog?
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Gerrie said...

This is why I do not have black carpeting in my house. LOL!!

Unknown said...

Something odd on the dog carpet thing...I wonder if it was photo-shopped or is the real deal...on the other hand, I had a tortoise-shell cat who I often tripped over in our house in Connecticut when she was in the kitchen. The kitchen had a dark brown ceramic tile which was just about the same color as she was...she had more mottling but out of the corner of your eye, or as you moved across the floor, you often missed her..I was terrified that I was going to do her damage!

Quiltedtime said...

I had a slate blue cat for 19 years that I often could look at straight on and not see. I named him Sasquatch--not only because he had big feet--but because Sasquatches are supposed to be able to blend into the forest so well that they can't be seen.