Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lovely San Clemente 05-18-10

I drove down to San Clemente this morning for the Surfside Quilters Guild Board Meeting. We meet at the home of a member who lives in a very nice hillside development and right now the landscaping is at its best.

This house sits where one street Ts into another and it is always interesting. The Thumbergia alta, or Black-eyed Susan vine, has bright yellow flowers with chocolate brown throats. I didn't realize it grew so vigorously - if they don't trim it soon it will completely cover the house like Kudzu! But it is colorful and matches the truck.

They already must have a hard time getting into the front door!

Around the corner and a little further up the hill this walking path starts out with a severe warning - and walkers need to take it to heart. I don't suppose mountain lions would be this close to the houses, but it is always possible. I have had coyotes on my patio and I live a lot deeper in civilization than this.

Within a block there is an open space, like a tiny park, with a path and a bench to rest upon. Looking out over the open spaces spread with wild mustard I could see the hillsides covered with fairly new developments. Forty years ago people would say, "some day there will be solid houses from Los Angeles to the Mexican border." I now believe that is possible within my lifetime. The possible exception would be Camp Pendleton just to the south of San Clemente.
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1 comment:

Rayna said...

Wild animals are coming out of the woodwork here because of all the housing developments. Bears galore, crossing the road, foraging in garbage cans -- really scary. BEARS, forgodsake!

Just last week waltzing across the highway when a motorist flagged down a cop to arrest the bear. So, watch out for mountain lions.