Monday, May 17, 2010

Linda Colsh quilt from TCQC 05-16-10

Almost every quilt in the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection has been posted on this blog. There are a few that I don't have decent pictures of and I have been meaning to set aside time to do that. Soon, perhaps!
I will feature a few "reruns" over the next few weeks.
"Gentle Reminder" Linda Colsh 2008 12" square
This is from the SAQA 2008 auction. I especially like it because it has many colors in addition to the black and white that Linda frequently uses. And, of course, I like the little twisty trees - my fondness for trees shows in what I select for the Collection and in my own work.
Linda is an American living in Belgium who visits the States infrequently. I was very disappointed that I wasn't able to see her when she was in San Diego to judge quilts for the Visions exhibit that takes place this coming fall and winter. Nor did I make it to San Francisco for the SAQA/SDA conference, so I didn't see her there either. Maybe the next time she visits here our paths will cross.
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Jenny Bowker said...

I really love Linda's work and this is beautiful.

Have you had my little piece up yet? If you cannot find the CD with the photo I can email one.



Linda Colsh said...

blushing thank you, Del. I had forgotten how colorful (for me) "Gentle Reminder" is. The wall of six pieces you showed in yesterday's post is super. You have a very coherent collection in that group! And I'm thrilled to be hanging with the other artists of such talent.

Martha Ginn said...

Del, you give us all so much joy by sharing these wonderful treasures with us! Thanks!
Martha Ginn