Friday, June 25, 2010

Sewing at Corky's 06-25-10

This isn't really "sewing", it is cutting and fusing. But it is a beginning after months of hardly fondling fabric. There is a deadline looming and I thought I would make a stab at it.
This is a background composted of one inch squares - to make a 13" x 13" square that can be trimmed to 12" X 12". I know it isn't very original, in fact I have done this type of background dozens of times in the past. But to make this I carried a filing box full of stuff to Corky's house.

I never want to throw away a scrap, no matter what the size, so I went into my workroom and grabbed some bags of scraps that looked like they had at least a few green fabrics. Also my sewing box, an iron, my small table top ironing board (you can't see it off to the left), a roll of Wonder Under, a Teflon sheet and a few sheets of release paper. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any iron cleaner (I'm a messing fuser) or a cutting board. I snooped around in Corky's dad's garage and found a piece of plywood about 14" square that didn't look as though it needed to stay pristine and I used that for a cutting mat - yes, it ruined my blade, but it did the job. It took all this 'stuff' to make the one 13" square background - amazing. I tried to pick up all the threads and snips that I created; Corky's house is not a sewing house and is always very, very clean. When he is at my house while I am sewing I always brush him very well to be sure he doesn't carry home threads and snips; his curly coat really picks them up. I rarely use white in my work, so it is easy to find all the colors against his whiteness.

NOTE: Sally Sellers sent me an e-mail about the house quilt I posted on Sunday and I have added her comments to that post.

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1 comment:

June said...

If things aren't messy around me, I'm not working. I always clean up between projects, but the messier the area, the further along with a textile project I've gotten.

This isn't so much the case with painting, mostly because everything generally stays out in plain sight. It's a lot easier to put all my paint tubes where I can grab the color I want than it is to put all my fabric out without creating chaos and old night:-)