Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Decor #2 10-28-10

This one cracks me up. I think these people slammed the door on the witch. I wonder if that is what they intended.
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1 comment:

June said...

As we traveled home from NE Arizona to Portland Oregon via back roads, we discovered all the little town cafes had decorated/over-decorated the premises with halloween stuff. I'm not a big Halloween fan, but even if I had been, bats draped in cobwebs that bobbed up and down every time the door was opened would have given me the creeps.

When did Halloween become a restaurant staple? When did Halloween become an adult holiday? When did kids stop being quite rascally on Halloween and start simply inhaling candy?

Sometimes I feel very old indeed. Did anyone else steal corn for weeks before the week before Halloween so they could throw it at people's windows? And soap said windows as the day (night) drew nigh? We never tipped over outhouses, but I know some that were tipped. As for trick-or-treat, it simply wasn't done. Tricks were what we did, and got into trouble for, although they were pretty mild tricks -- we were always made to clean the neighbors' windows on November 1.