Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Flock of Parrots 12-07-10

There are a number of locations in SCalifornia that host flocks of parrots that began with just a few escaped caged birds. There are flocks in Arcadia, Palos Verdes, Long Beach, La Habra, Orange and, I suppose, many other places. I am most familiar with those that live in Orange. Some of the flocks are composed of a hundred birds, or more, I once counted fifty flying from one tasty area to another and have tried many times to photograph some in flight. But I am not much of a bird photographer. In the picture above are at least a dozen perching parrots hiding in foliage that is the same color as parrot feathers.

This photo is a cropped, enlarged part of the top photo.

This pair sat in this position for a very long time, but they were way up in the top of a tree and I use a point and shoot camera with limited telephoto capabilities.

This fellow was closer, but he kept playing peek-a-boo with me and this is the only photo that wasn't blurred. All of the towns I mentioned have older neighborhoods with lots of large fruit trees to provide food. They are especially fond of figs.
One of the quilts I purchased at the recent SAQA auction shows parrots in Palos Verdes. I'll show it on Sunday.
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Susan Turney said...

When i visit my friends in Orange I always try to be outside in the morning when they come. I think it's about 630AM. They come in the evening, too. Such a fun, quirky thing to look forward to!

Gerrie said...

They almost look like part of the foliage. How cute they are.

Judi Eichler said...

Here in the SF Bay area, I've seen flocks of parrots in Sunnyvale where I used to live. What a pleasure to see such unusual birds!