Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No snow, but bare trees! 12-27-10

Watching the TV news about the terrible snows in the eastern states gives me a feeling of great anxiety! I have never been fond of snow, which is one reason I live in SCalifornia, and I do remember some snowy winters near Portland, OR. when I was a child. My best snow memory was the year my husband and I spent Christmas at the Ahwahnee Lodge in Yosemite Valley. It snowed a few inches Christmas Eve day and a few more during the night. It was an awesome sight to look out at the snow covered valley floor just after dawn - there were only deer tracks and crow tracks. We did go out walking, but not far because we couldn't bear to put footprints in that pure white snow. I think I will let that be my lifelong memory of new fallen snow.
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dee said...

There's a lopt to be said for the beauty of snow but I'll get back to you in a few months about that...
This is the time when I completely understand people becomming snowbirds. I'm snowed in under 2 feet but I have lots to do and a big pot of soup on the stove. Making the best of it..grrrr

Gerrie said...

I have always wanted to spend a snowy Christmas the the Ahwanee - that must be a lovely memory

Patty ♣ said...

I Love your memory!

Rayna said...

Snow is beautiful if you never have to leave the house. But that's when it first falls. Then it gets gray and gritty and butt-ugly. So yes, keep your memory.