Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Quilt for the Guild President 06-14-11

In Southern California quilt guilds there is a tradition of presenting the outgoing guild president with a quilt made by the members.  As far as I know, this started with Orange County Quilters Guild in 1982 with the founding president Kaye Rheingans.  All of the quilts are composed of blocks made by members using a design of their choosing.  The past president is usually the organizer and consults with the president about the topic and the size of the quilt (so it will fit on a wall in the past president's house).  Blocks can be 4, 5 or 6 inches - this quilt uses 5" blocks.  The designs, in keeping with the theme, can be something traditional, something about the president,  something about the member who makes the block, or just a motif in support of the theme (obviously the beach, in this case).  Since I always wear a hat, my block for any president's quilt is usually a hat. (top row third from right), this time pieced using Ruth McDowell's techniques.  All members don't make blocks, but may participate by helping with assembly or hand quilting at the various scheduled quilting bees. 
Sharon Whelan's 2010-11 President's Quilt   60"W x 70"L  Made by members of Surfside Quilters Guild under the direction of Nancy Ota.  Appliqued logo (a rearrangement of the newsletter logo) by Nancy Ota and Jan Hirth.

Nancy Ota used Seta-color to create an image of Las Brisas on the backing and beach umbrellas and flip flops were appliqued over that.  Everyone who worked on the quilt has signed on one of the umbrellas or flip flops. 
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1 comment:

dee said...

what a beautiful job you all did.It's bright and an amazing gift made by so many talented members. Your guild is such a huge gathering of talent.

I've enjoyed your trip and got a huge kick out of the Woody. They really are gorgeous cars. I saw one at a local car show recently and, though not too impressed by many cars, this one always makes me think of good times in my yout., Beach boys & fun fun