Sunday, July 24, 2011

Out to Lunch 07-23-11

My f riend Toni and I had lunch today at Corner Bakery on Jamboree Road and I-5 - good lunch, but not very photogenic.   We have not done well with our pledge to meet for lunch once a month.  Here it is the seventh month and this is only the fourth time we have met this year.  How can our lives get so busy?  We are going to do better, BUT we'll both be traveling in August, so our next chance is September.   Friendships have become more important as I have "matured", but I know that one can't just let them slide.  Like gardens, friendships need regular care.  Call a friend you haven't seen for some time, have a phone visit, make a date to go out for lunch.   Cultivate your friendships.  I'm going to cultivate mine

After lunch we went to my favorite frozen yogurt shop, Yogurtland, which is a few blocks away from Corner Bakery.  This is Caramel Almond and Vanilla with mochi bits, sliced almonds and chocolate covered caramel bits.   M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m!

On the way back to the freeway I saw this lady on a bicycle towing a real estate ad!  Something I have never seen before.  Is it a clever attention getter?  A gas saver?  I notice many more bicycles and motorcycles on the road these days.  There is even a guy in my area who trundles around on a Segway.   
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