Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Corky, the Guard Dog 11-22-11

Several weeks ago when Corky was here at Camp Del, he saw a black cat in the backyard and had a fit.  This cat lives two houses to the south and has come around a few times, but the vicious guard dog has not previously spotted it.  I chased the cat away and let Corky out.  He ran out the door and stomped up and down the patio - he reminded me of James Cagney being the big, bad gangster.  Of course, the cat did not return, but I had to let Corky out every hour or so to allow him to sling his weight around and show everyone that this backyard was not be be invaded. 

Even after he was home for four days when he came back he remembered that the slider in the back needed to be guarded from invading cats and he slept there most of the time.  Instead of in one of his comfy beds.  This trip he seems to have forgotten.

I ran across this old Peanuts cartoon this week and had to laugh at how appropriate it is.  Of course, Corky guards both back and front when he is here - just ask the mail carrier!   I must defend myself when the Poodle Prince is not here - this week I have five days of protection.
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1 comment:

Patty ♣ said...

Oh How Funny!
Now, our Sadie is an old cat. The neighbors got a boy kitty, Tiger, last summer. Tiger loves our backyard and this irritates the beans out of Sadie. She has a bed that looks out our bedroom window and I catch here looking around to see if Tiger is on her property all the time. It is funny to watch her in the yard stalking him and chasing him home when she does! All he wants to do is get to know her.
Great cartoon! Miss that guy!