Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lemon Tree Very Pretty...... 01-03-12

My neighbor's Meyer lemon tree is really loaded and some of these are ripe for the picking.  I don't think he uses them for anything, so I leave him a message on his phone asking for "a few" and he leaves a huge bag of them on my porch.  Usually I use one or two to make him some lemon bars and squeeze the rest to put the juice in the freezer.   I have always taken some to my friend in San Juan Bautista, but they planted a tree and this year it has at least a dozen lemons on it - fast producer.
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1 comment:

June said...

In my travels, I acquired a taste for fresh lemons from the southwest as well as good avocados. We get these fruits in Portland, but very very seldom are they glorious. And in Arizona and California, they were glorious!