Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Browsing 01-02-12

 I haven't had time for browsing today, but have spent my time "entertaining" the plumber!  For a mysterious reason a pipe in the wall between the family room and the garage developed a $600 leak on Saturday.  Rather than pay double time I turned off the water to the house and have been using bottled water and pails of outside water for the toilet.  But Dan, the plumber, came about noon and stayed until a little after 6pm.  For this type of leak the company charges a flat rate - Dan said nineteen out of twenty similar jobs take a couple hours, the charge for those makes up for the all afternoon jobs.  I'm so glad - it might have cost me a thousand or more.  The insurance company is supposed to contact me tomorrow.  We'll see what is next.  Nice that I caught the leak before it was a flood and that the weather here is in the 80s right now.

Crayon Quilts

A comfort quilts project in Washington State:

This lady’s rule is “the fabric must be $!/yard or less!

Boys will be boys!  Ouch!

"Christmasy" dracenas in San Clemente on New Year's Day.
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Gerrie said...

You and Terry seem to have had the same problem! Thanks for the fun links and Happy New Year, Del.

Terry Grant said...

Ha! We had a little drip under the sink and when Ray tried to fix it he broke the pipe! We had a nice Russian plumber who worked on Monday come and fix it. All the other plumbers were taking Monday off. Then the furnace quit working. Since it is in the 80s there you probably won't have that problem!