Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday at Camp Del 10-06-12

Corky is at Camp Del this weekend and again next weekend.  I feel so fortunate to have this little guy in my life.  At 16 years he is slow to get up and down and in and out of his bed, but, hey, so am I!  We did go for a walk this evening after the temperature dropped below 80F, but he wasn't very interested so we didn't walk very far.  We both have bad hips so we make a good walking pair!

When he curls up in this bed he disappears, except for the bow the groomer always puts on his collar.
As we were leaving to walk, this gorgeous sky materialized in the west.  The TV weather guy says we will have rain sometime in the next few days.  I am so thankful that the temperature is dropping and supposed to be in the mid 70's all this coming week.   I've had to wear a sweater to take Corky out at 6am and at first I couldn't remember where to find one.  Something that I don't think I have needed since I returned from Montana in June.
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Patty ♣ said...

Haha! Love that you had to think of where your sweater was! Corky is so precious curled up in his bed...The sunset was brilliant last evening! I took a picture too, and have it on my blog, almost the same! must've both been out at the same time.

Sherrie Spangler said...

Oh, your little Corky looks so fluffy and comfy all curled up in his bed. What a cutie.