Friday, October 11, 2013

Wounded Warrior Quilts at SQG 10-10-13

The usual problem, Blogger says there is something wrong and my pictures disappear.  Surely someone else has had this problem.  What did you do?
Surfside Quilters Guild is such an active, fun, happy quilt guild.  It meets in San Clemente and is a morning guild.  Too many of us are hesitant to drive on the freeway after dark.  It is scary out there!   One of the philanthropic projects is making quilts for wounded warriors to cover them while they are being transported from the field to aid stations, hospitals and home to the USA.  They need to be a certain size to fit the gurneys - 48"Wx78"L.  There is a group that meets every month other than guild meeting day to work on the quilts.  The chair puts a pattern in the newsletter asking for blocks and the members come through every month with stacks of quilts.  Most are red/white/blue, but they don't have to be.   
This is the stack of quilts turned in at the October meeting.  Amazing, isn't it? 
And here are five of those quilts held up for Show & Tell.  I feel guilty because I have only made two Wounded Warrior quilts and the second is still not finished.  I have started sewing again, but when I will get back to WWarrior is unknown. 
 I have no idea why the photos are arranged like this, but I am afraid to change them.




Carol said...

What a great idea, Del!

Dolores said...

Wonderful efforts. But Del, you really need to get rid of the guilt - seriously - do what you can and call it a day. XX