Tuesday, March 8, 2016

At Home Tonight 03-08-16

I didn't blog last night because I had (as the Aussies say) a bit of a wog.  I thought it might be something I ate, but I checked with the others and nobody else was sick.  I had to miss the Surfside Quilters Guild meeting this morning, but I did go have the new crown on my tooth this afternoon.  I was only gone for about an hour.  I have been resting in between packing and loading the car and I'm feeling much better - just a few gurgles now and then.  Only tea, toast, yogurt and an egg.  Tomorrow I'm bound to be well.  YES!

 I will drive back down San Diego in the morning to start a five day class with Elizabeth Busch.  It sounds like a very interesting class.  We are to bring a quilt (finished or not) that we like aspects of, but feel it just doesn't work.  And we have to decide ahead of time which one quilt it will be.  I have pretty much decided that "Red Fence" will be the one I will work on.   We will cut as needed, also paint, use pastels, attach other fabrics; whatever it takes to make it work.  I think one problem is too much the same values in the background.  We'll see.   But you won't see this quilt again!!

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Loretta said...

What an exciting day you'll be having. I await the results and your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

I actually love the quilt the way it is but I'm sure whatever she suggest will make it more fantastic. Have a fun class!!

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better today. Missed you at SQG.

Quiltedtime said...

I have such a quilt. I will be excited to look over your shoulder as you take your class.