Thursday, June 16, 2016

Another Del Quilt 06-16-16

 At one time I was a member of Kansas Art Quilters, which was a very active group with lots of opportunities for exhibiting member's work.  For a few years they did the quilts for the Fabri-Quilt fabric company booth at Quilt Markets.  They would send us the fabric and sometimes a theme and we would create original quilts for them.  They hung in the booth and were for sale after the event.  I don't know that any of them ever sold, I know that mine did not!  And this is probably the least of my efforts.  I determined to use all six fabrics I received; four on the front and two on the back.  I think it is a clumsy quilt - there is no "balance" to it.  That sometimes happens to me when someone else chooses the fabric.  I wasn't very good at doing custom quilts either.
The hat brim is actually loose from the back and I threaded a wire in to keep it stiff.  But the wire crinkles up and needs to be straightened whenever the quilt is handled.  And, of course, it cannot be rolled or folded.  Not a successful effort on my part.  

"Hat in a Blue Chair"  Del Thomas 2004  30"W x 28"L
Commercial cotton fabrics, cotton batting, cotton thread, polyester ribbon.
Machine pieced, machine broidery pers raw edge applique, needle turned applique, machine quilted.
Here is a detail of the broidery pers type raw edge machine applique.  The flowers cut from one piece of fabric are individually applied.
 Not much of a label - no contact, no size.
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Love this sweet quilt even thought it's label is not complete! With the hot weather upon us, it must be time for more indoor activities like quilting! Happy Quilting.