Monday, June 13, 2016

KoKo meets the Sevens 06-12-16

The art quilt group I belong to meets in San Diego, so it is always at least a two hour drive for me.  In June the hostess invites me to stay the night before the meeting with her and another member.  The other member brings her dog Sadie, so this year I took KoKo along.  He and Sadie got along very well and enjoyed the free run of the beautiful garden. 
Sadie is eight and has lost the puppy qualities that KoKo, at two, still exhibits. 

At breakfast KoKo took over Deb for a mutual love in.
Pictures by Andrea Bacal.
One of the orders for today was trying to find a new name for the group since there are nine of us now, rather then seven.   We got pretty hysterical proposing silly names.  On the more serious side we are each to propose five possible names which will be narrowed down to a list so we can vote on which name sounds best.
I drove home this afternoon and delivered KoKo to his mommy, so I am alone again tonight.  
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