Saturday, June 18, 2016

Saturday Stories - Writing 06-18-16

When Diane was growing up she loved to write – stories, poems, limericks, little songs.  During the 40s and 50s there were a number of children’s magazines which took submissions from readers to be printed in one of the issues.  Diane’s favorite was “Playmate” and she was successful a few times, but can no longer remember any of her writings.  Well, some phrases.  She wrote about her uncle “My uncle’s name is Jake.  He has no more hair than a snake……..”  And there was a poem about “The Drought of July” – yes, there are droughts in the western regions of Oregon.   The dust on the country roads was 5 or 6 inches deep and when the rains came the drops created smoking volcanoes until everything turned to a giant mud bath.
She is writing again, but only for her own amusement…  and yours!
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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Love Diane's whimsy! I do remember the look of a fresh rain drip on dry ground...large drops sounded plop, plop, plop! and the loose earth sent out ripples from its center...much like a pebble's plop into still water!