Monday, May 28, 2018

Road Trip WA Another driving day 05-28-18

Heading home on Memorial Day and the traffic was, as expected, terrible.  But it seems easier to endure when it is expected.  So, there was open road alternating with stop and go at different times.  I left from Yreka at 9am and arrived at Mary's at 5pm, which makes eight hours on the road.  Of course, I stopped for potty breaks, and to take pictures, and to just walk around to get the kinks out.  I didn't take many pictures and none of the traffic, I think you have had enough of those.  After sorting and editing here are sixteen from those eight hours.  When I arrived at Mary's I took my purse, my pillow and my bathroom bag into the guest room and collapsed onto the bed, I was comatose for an hour and a half.  When I got up Mary fed me a delicious homemade chicken noodle soup with fresh peas which were so tender and sweet.  I guess we have both gotten so accustomed to frozen peas that rediscovering fresh ones is like a whole new vegetable!  I ate one of Mabel's lemon bars for dessert.  Tomorrow is a day of rest. 

Five views of Mt. Shasta - leaving it behind for this trip. 

I stopped at a highway rest stop and luckily found a parking place in the shade.  In front of the car was a hedge of star jasmine.  With the windows cracked I dozed off for 20 minutes to the lovely fragrance. 

This must be the peak of their bloom and the flowers were very dense. 

Further south and north still of Sacramento is the rice growing area.  Miles and miles of flooded rice paddies, either newly planted or soon to be. 

Yet further south the rice has started to show above the water. 

After the rice growing area come more orchards, I think these are a stone fruit, maybe peaches?

I love to see the almost white wild oats along the roadside. 

I don't know if the roadside edges are mowed or sprayed, but it works.

I-5 approaches the foothills that will guide it to the left further south. 

The roadway curves to join I-580 from the Bay area coming into the picture on the left.  

This landscape continues for hundreds of miles going south. 
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1 comment:

sonja said...

Thanks Del for sharing your road trip with us. How great to visit dear friends and see big sky vistas and mountains and flora along the way and pit stops at quilt shops a bonus!