Saturday, August 25, 2018

Procrastination 08-25-18

Time goes by so fast that I am continually amazed at what I have not done!  Ten years ago with the help of my friend Liz, I started organizing my sewing room/studio/catch-all space.  This picture was taken during that process.  All the bags and the big pile of fabric are scraps.  Liz teased me that every other bag, basket, box, and drawer was full of scraps.  I did disperse some of them, but still have way more than I will every be able to use.  Salvation Army in San Diego has a program where they collect fabric and thread scraps and sell them to "jobbers" who eventually sell them to manufactures for paper making, stuffing various objects, making insulation, all sorts of things.  I have checked around locally, but no Salvation Army facility near me has a similar program.  So, when I drive to San Diego next time, I am going to stuff my car with scraps and gift them to the Salvation Army down there.  One year they gained over $50,000 just from scraps.  Hope they will be happy to have them. 

Although my sewing space doesn't look like this anymore, it actually looks worse because I never put things away.  I need to apply myself - soon.  It seems there is always something more pressing, or interesting, going on.  Woe is I. 

If you have scraps you want to do something with you could make some fabric twine to use for tying packages or....  whatever. 

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