Monday, August 20, 2018

Sky watching 08-20-18

NOTE: Gale, one of my blog readers, looked the "gizmo" up on the Bernina site and advised me what it is.  See:

I have been an on again/off again sky watcher most of my life.  But my memory is not as good as it once was and I have forgotten the names and locations of the planets and stars.  Right now there is a lovely array of planets in the southern sky, so I had to Google a bit to find the names I was missing.   Venus is easy because it is the brightest speck in the night sky, except for the moon, of course.  And Mars wears the nice red hue.  However Saturn and Jupiter were missing from my mental sky map.  I found this image at:

Due to the ambient light of this large urban area I cannot spot anything but planets, but I can see the twinkling stars out of the corner of my eye.   However, the evenings are getting cooler and tonight  KoKo and I went for our walk in the daylight at 7pm and 77F.  It was lovely, except there were no stars or planets out yet.  I know it will be hot again in a few days and we will be walking by star/planet light.  And, of course, street lights.  
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Mary Ann said...

We have had a haze here in Ohio and they say it is from the California wild fires! Go figure.

sonja said...

We love to watch the stars appear as the sunset sky darkens. i enjoy watching the moon and stars and planets shuffle about in the night sky. shifting in and out of sight. Summers dinner around here get later! i look on EarthSky web sight to remind me of heavenly bodies names learned in high school science class.